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CRIB - Conducting Effective Competitor Analysis with Anisa


In a saturated market brands have to carve out their unique piece of the pie and delight customers. The session outlines easy tools to carry out competitive analysis - we’ll go through actionable steps using key frameworks to help you differentiate your brand and drive sales.

About The Speaker
Anisa Johnny - Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing & Management Raffles College of Higher Education Singapore. Anisa started her career in fashion in the UK - from training in the Buying Office at the Marks & Spencers Head Office, to launching her own fashion brand with clients across Europe and working her way up to consult for Topshop. She cut her teeth on design thinking and branding by setting up and managing one of London’s best heritage buildings as a venue. She eventually transitioned into academia 7 years ago. She is now a Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing & Management at Raffles College of Higher Education Singapore.

Anisa believes in giving students the opportunity to work with established fashion and lifestyle brands in Singapore. Developing collaborative student-industry projects covering a variety of topics including marketing, communications, video and content creation, visual merchandising, product development, and market research. Managing projects that have successfully bridged education and industry has inspired her to mentor SMEs and leading young talents to improve fashion marketing in Asia Pacific.